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Policies and Procedures

The Residence Life Office has established the following policies that apply to residence halls and Greek houses. 

These policies are in accordance with United Methodist tradition, student development theory, the College Policy on Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment, and our desire to create a safe, clean, educational atmosphere. Residence Life policies are designed to promote a learning community, the right to privacy, an atmosphere conducive to study, the protection of personal and public property, and a respect for the needs and values of each individual. However, the success of a living/learning community in fulfilling these needs depends on each resident being willing to live by these policies and be responsible for his or her behavior. The following policies do not address every issue. If a situation pertaining to residence life arises that is not addressed within this handbook, the Residence Life Office reserves the right to exercise professional judgment to make a determination.


Residence Life Policies

Alcohol and Drug Use

The illegal use or abuse of alcohol or drugs can be hazardous to students’ health and safety as well as an impediment to academic and personal success. The College is, above all else, concerned for the safety and well-being of all members of our community; therefore, the College addresses all reported violations of the College’s alcohol and drug policies, including notifying the parents of undergraduate students of alcohol and drug-related incidents, if necessary.

Alcohol (See Alcohol Policy)

Consumption of alcoholic beverages may take place only within the privacy of a student’s room or apartment by students 21 years of age or older. Students under the age of 21 are not permitted to possess or consume alcohol at any time.

A number of students will choose to live in Estes Hall for a substance-free environment. Alcohol, no matter what the age of the person possessing it, may not be present in, or consumed in Estes Hall.

Alcohol consumption and open containers are never permitted on campus grounds or in residence hall public common areas, including hallways, basement areas, restrooms, lounges, and lobbies. Administrative exceptions can be made to this policy. Houses and apartment spaces are not considered public common areas in regard to alcohol consumption.

Cancellation Policy

Refunds for students who withdraw from Adrian College during a semester will be based on the Financial Aid Refund Policy.

Students who move off campus after the first week of classes will not receive a refund of their housing and board payments.

Students not returning to campus housing after the fall semester must remove all possessions from their rooms and officially check out with a Residence Life staff member before the end of the fall semester, in order to avoid paying spring semester housing charges. Resident students who are suspended or removed from campus housing for disciplinary reasons will receive no special refund consideration.

Candles, Incense, and Open Flame

Due to fire safety, residents are not permitted to burn candles, incense, potpourri or tart burners (with either flame or electric outlet) or create any “open flame” situation at any time. Fireplaces in residence halls, apartments and houses are not to be used.

Damage/Vandalism Policy

In order to promote a more positive living environment, vandalism is not tolerated. Vandalism is defined as any willful and/or malicious action which results in damage to property. Accidental damages not reported are also considered acts of vandalism. Each resident is responsible for the condition of his/her room as well as all common areas within the living unit where he/she resides.

Repair costs for vandalism are charged to the individuals responsible whenever possible. When the individuals responsible for damages cannot be identified, these common area damages may be charged collectively to residents of the living unit where the act of vandalism occurred.

The rationale for billing a specific floor, corridor, or hall is based on the assumption that those community members (1) have a responsibility for creating an environment where this behavior is discouraged, (2) know the perpetrator and have a responsibility for divulging that information, or (3) have a responsibility for engaging in activities that will result in the perpetrator coming forward or being discovered. It is the hope of the College that each student will actively participate in preserving and improving the quality of the residence hall environment.

The College reserves the right to charge all residents for common area damages when the responsible person(s) is not identified. Damage charge appeals must be in writing within thirty days of the billing date. Residents are not permitted to modify a student room or apartment except as permitted by the loft policy. Room decorations are encouraged as long as they do not create health or fire hazards or cause damage to the room or furnishings. When decorating, the use of nails, screws, or tacks in walls, doors, furniture, or fixtures is prohibited. Painting of rooms is prohibited.

Drug Policy

The use and/or possession of illegal/controlled drugs is prohibited at Adrian College, including all campus housing. All students are to observe all local, state, and federal laws. Adrian College does not allow use of medical marijuana on campus. Medical marijuana is still regarded as illegal under federal law. As an institution that receives federal funding, it must follow federal policy.

Students may store/smoke medical marijuana off campus with the use of their license. Adrian College will consider providing a housing contract release for a student with a medical marijuana license to live off campus.

Electrical Appliances

All electrical appliances must be UL APPROVED. In addition, due to the extreme risk of fire, halogen lamps are not permitted in campus housing. When additional electrical outlets are needed in a student room, FUSED POWER STRIPS MUST BE USED INSTEAD OF STANDARD ELECTRICAL EXTENSION CORDS.

The following is a list of appliances which may be used in a student room: blenders, clocks, coffee pots, electric blankets, fans, hair dryers, curling irons, hot pots, irons, popcorn poppers, radios, compact microwave ovens (800 watts or less), compact portable refrigerators (under 4.0 cubic feet), sewing machines, shavers, stereo equipment, televisions, computers.

Firearms, Weapons, Flammable Liquids and Fireworks

Possession, keeping and/or use of firearms, weapons, fireworks, ammunition, flammable or incendiary devices is prohibited on all Adrian College properties (including all campus facilities, athletic facilities and parking lots) and at all Adrian College events, regardless of location. This includes martial arts weapons and any device that may be used to propel a projectile, such as BB guns, air guns, etc.

Fire Drills and Safety Equipment

Fire drills are scheduled on a regular basis. When a fire alarm sounds, all residents must vacate the building and follow staff instructions. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. Tampering with a safety system such as a fire extinguisher, fire alarm or smoke detector may result in suspension from campus housing, as well as a substantial monetary fine and possible criminal prosecution. Fire retention doors are to remain closed. 

Guest Policy

Guests visiting campus housing are required to observe all College and Residence Life policies. The residing student is responsible for their guest’s behavior and safety and should escort their guest at all times. Overnight guests are expected to register with a staff member and obtain a parking pass from Campus Safety. Students with guests are to respect their roommate’s right to use their room. No guest may stay more than three nights in Adrian College housing. Cohabitation is not permitted in College housing.

Restrooms: Student hosts are responsible for finding appropriate restroom facilities to accommodate their guests.

Child Visitation: No children under eight years of age are permitted to stay overnight in College housing. Visitation hours for children under eight years of age are 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. A parent, guardian, or resident must accompany all children at all times. Note: Exceptions are made for Sibs & Kids Weekend.

Loading/Unloading Policy

All loading and unloading shall be done from the curb area of the streets and parking lots. Students and/or parents are not allowed to drive on sidewalks or grass areas. The Department of Campus Safety enforces this policy with citations of a $25 minimum fine.

Loft Construction Policy

Lofts are permitted in campus housing to assist in providing increased space, individual expression and an atmosphere conducive to rest and study. Adrian College accepts no responsibility for the safety of a loft. It is constructed and used at students’ own risk.  Lofts must be free-standing and cannot be fastened to any walls with the support of screws, nails, or other materials. Ladders and guardrails must be used.

The College does not provide any services for construction, sale or disposal of lofts. The following safety guidelines are provided for the construction of lofts. Violations of these guidelines may result in loft removal.

General Conditions

  • Size: Lofts are permitted to occupy up to 50% of the floor space in any room. Closet area will be included when calculating floor space.
  •  Height: The top surface of the loft platform and the top of the mattress shall be at least 30 inches from the ceiling. 
  •  Proximity to doors & windows: No loft shall obstruct any window. Windows must be operable at all times and usable as a means of exit. No loft shall obstruct the door to the room at any time. The door must be fully operable at all times and must be usable as a means of exit or entry to the room. 
  • Damage to rooms: Lofts must be constructed to be free-standing without attachment to furniture, wall or any part of the room. They must be able to be removed from the room without damage to any part of the room or its furnishings. Residents of the room are responsible for any damage caused by construction, installation, use or removal of a loft. 
  • Electrical safety: Lofts must not cover or stand within six inches of any electrical outlet or fixture. 
  • Enclosing the loft: Lofts shall not be enclosed in any way. 
  • Ladders for loft access are mandatory. They are necessary for emergency exit as well as day-to-day access. Use of furniture to access the loft is dangerous and prohibited. 
  • The loft may not have playground equipment or other equipment attached—such as slides, swings and hammocks. Lofts are for beds only; platforms for chairs, couches, etc. are not permitted. 
  • Removal: Lofts shall be removed from the room at the end of the school year. Storage is not provided during the summer. 

Construction Standards:

  •  Bolts, locks, washers and nuts provide the greatest strength and facilitate removal. Non-structural parts may be fastened with screws.
  • The loft must be sturdy. Building the loft to the wall and inserting padded wedges can eliminate any wobbling.

Noise Policy

No person shall cause or otherwise contribute to unreasonable noise within, or in areas immediately surrounding, residence facilities. Quiet hours are in effect from 11 p.m. to 10 a.m. Sunday through Thursday in campus housing. On Fridays and Saturdays, quiet hours are in effect from midnight to 10 a.m. in all buildings. When quiet hours are in effect, there should be no loud noise (able to be heard one door down) in student rooms or building common areas.

Courtesy hours are in effect 24 hours a day in all student housing. Any resident or Adrian College community member may request that any other resident or group of residents cease any activity that is interfering with their ability to study, rest, or quietly enjoy the community. During the week of finals (fall/spring), 22 hour quiet hours are strictly enforced.

Pet Policy

This policy applies to students of Adrian College.

Due to health standards, fish in an aquarium are the only pets permitted in student campus housing. Service/Emotional Support animals, which assist students with disabilities, are not considered pets. Students who require Service/Emotional Support animals must register their animal and comply with Service/Emotional Support animal policy guidelines which are available in Academic Services. Each request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Individuals who violate this policy will be given 24 hours to remove the animal from the premises. If the animal is not removed, there will be an initial fine of $500. Continued violation of this policy may subject the individual(s) to further fines and the possibility of immediate dismissal from the College. Adrian College reserves the right to amend this policy, as circumstances require.

Roofs and Ledges

At no time are residents permitted on roofs or ledges of any student housing unit.

Social Media

He/she will be expected to operate social media (i.e. personal websites, blogs, online social networking, photographs, video and audio recordings, email, instant messenger, phone and voicemail) in congruence with the expectations outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.


Unauthorized soliciting and selling is prohibited at all times on campus property. Individuals are not allowed to fundraise/collect for personal gain. All fundraising/collecting must be sponsored by a recognized Adrian College group (student organizations, academic classes or athletes) and comply with Adrian College policies. Students should report unauthorized vendors to Campus Safety. The College does not allow students to operate a business or sell products or services for personal profit on campus.

Student Code of Conduct/Student Handbook

In addition to Residence Life policies, all students are responsible for knowing and abiding by the Student Code of Conduct and all policies in the Student Handbook. Ignorance of these policies may not be used as a defense for noncompliance with College policies.

Tobacco (See Campus Tobacco Policy)

The tobacco free policy applies to all academic, residential (including student rooms), service facilities and vehicles owned and operated by Adrian College. Tobacco (e.g. cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, electronic cigarettes, etc.) use is permitted on campus grounds provided that it occurs beyond 25 feet of any building entrance and away from windows of residential buildings. Hookah pipes are not permitted on Adrian College campus.

Window Screens

Screens are to be left in windows at all times.

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