Bulldog 101

High School students are invited to register for Bulldog 101

Robert H. "Brother Bob" Jackson

Robert H.

Adrian College’s longtime Director of the Newman Center, Campus Minister and Associate Dean of Students from the 1980’s and early ‘90s, died on February 11, 2021 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Robert H. “Brother Bob” Jackson shared his wisdom, enthusiasm, and spirit with students and colleagues on campus as well as with the greater Adrian/Deerfield communities. Bob was a cherished friend to all of us. We were graced by his generosity, his encouragement to reach out and care for all of us—whether we were underdogs, under-resourced, needy or privileged. He continued his life’s work as an educator and spiritual servant in Salt Lake City, most recently at the Weigand Homeless Resource Center, a Catholic Social Services program, providing direct aid to all who entered.

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