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Joshua Guitar '08

Joshua Guitar '08

Joshua Guitar ’08, an assistant professor of communication at Young Harris College in Young Harris, Ga., is the author of an academic book being published in October, Dissent, Discourse, and Democracy: Whistleblowers as Sites of Political Contestation. The author reveals how whistleblowing, a quintessential tool of dissent within democracy, has been systematically constrained within the public forum and weaponized for statist interests. Josh notes that scholars of political communication and rhetoric will find this book particularly interesting. Josh earned his master’s degree and Ph.D. in communication from Wayne State University. He teaches classes in rhetoric, critical media studies, and political communication. His research examines the rhetorical manifestations of ideology that inhibit democratic discourse, civil liberties, and political equity. His research has been featured in many academic journals. The book can be purchased through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Rowman, and Lexington Books.

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