Scholarship Day

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Planned Giving


Adrian College has partnered with FreeWill, an online tool that guides you through the process of creating a legally valid will. It’s easy to use, free of charge, and can be used alongside an attorney for more complex estate planning needs. In addition to taking care of your loved ones and their future, you can use this tool to support the College for generations to come. Get started on your plans today.

Creating a Bequest

A bequest in your will lets you pass any amount you wish to the College, free of estate tax. You can give cash or specific property, a dollar amount or percentage of your estate, with or without restrictions. If you wish to restrict your gift, we ask that you or your attorney contact the Office of Development to ensure the language is not too restrictive.

Have you already included Adrian College in your will? Fill out this quick form so we can thank you!

Get Started

Begin your
journey at
Adrian College

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