Scholarship Day

Register and earn a renewable scholarship up to $8,000

Program Benefits

As a member of the Adrian College Honors Program, you are eligible to receive special benefits. They are as follows:

  • Early class registration - Honors students' registration opens early, allowing for easy acceptance into all of your classes for the upcoming semester
  • Housing - When applying for lottery housing, NOT premium housing, Honors students will be hand-placed in their choice of housing before the general lottery begins.
    Lottery housing: Cargo, Deans, Estes, Herrick, Jarvis, Lowry, Pellowe
    Premium housing: Argyle, Brick East, CVN, CVS, Greek life houses, theme houses
  • Graduation - During your commencement ceremony, you will be distinguished from your peers with an honors cord for your gown, transcript and diploma notations, and recognition in the program

Get Started

Begin your
journey at
Adrian College

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