Bulldog 101

High School students are invited to register for Bulldog 101

Supervisor Resources

Adrian College provides employment opportunities for approximately 500 students on campus during the academic year through administrative offices, academic departments and programs.

As a supervisor of student employees, you have the opportunity to support and mentor Adrian College students in their professional and personal development while receiving assistance in the numerous tasks required for their positions. Below are some resources you may find helpful in supervising your student employees.

Student Hiring Process
Supervisors are to complete the Student Hire Request Form for each student you are hiring (for all returning & new students).

Please note that you will need the student's ID number to complete the form. Their number can be found on their application. 

When you have selected your candidates for your available positions, please email me that you are ready to close your job posting. I will close it in Handshake so you do not continue to receive applications.

New Student Employee Process 
Students who have never worked on campus before have to complete the Paycor Onboarding Process before they can begin their first day of work. This process is completing their federal and state tax forms as well as the I-9 form, proving they can work in the U.S. (no longer called the blue card process)
1. Complete the above Google form. 
2. Human Resources will then initiate the Onboarding process with the student via email.
3. This email will provide the student with complete instructions on the process and what they need to bring to the HR Office. 

 Student TimeCard Process
ALL student employees will need to approve their own time card by noon on Monday following the end of the pay period.

ALL supervisors will then approve student time cards by 5pm on Monday following the end of the pay period.  

Student Resignation/Termination Process
In the event a student resigns from their position, withdraws from Adrian College, or is released from employment, Supervisors are to complete the Student Termination Notification Form.


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Adrian College

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