Bulldog 101

High School students are invited to register for Bulldog 101

Minor in Ethics (18 hours)

(at least 9 credit hours must be completed at the 300-400 level)

Ethics Minor Core (6 hours)

PHIL104 Introduction to Ethics (3) or RELG114 Christian Social Ethics (3)

PHIL304 Ethics (3) Ethics Minor Electives (12 hours)

Choose 12 hours required from the following:

PHIL102 Contemporary Moral Problems (3)
PHIL104 Introduction to Ethics (3)*
PHIL201 Introduction to Jurisprudence (3)
PSYC304 Theories & Principles of Psychotherapy (3) **
SOCW200 Foundations of Social Work (4)
BUS346 Social, Political & Ethical Issues in Business (3)**
COMM280 Communication Ethics (3)

*cannot be used for elective credit and core credit
** courses marked with two asterisks have prerequisites

Other non-listed courses may also be applied to the minor if approved by the Department Chair. At least one course must come from a department other than Religion and Philosophy.

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