Why Adrian?
Whatever your background, Adrian College can provide you with the skills and experience you need to realize your dreams.
Why Adrian?
Whatever your background, Adrian College can provide you with the skills and experience you need to realize your dreams.
Undergraduate Studies
We offer an undergraduate program of study that’s small enough to be personal
Graduate Studies
Pursuing your dream career starts with the next phase of your education. When you enroll in graduate school at Adrian College, you’re beginning more than advanced training in your field; you’re accelerating your professional journey.
CE101 – Introduction to Digital Systems (3)
This course covers digital representation of information, specification, analysis, design, and optimization of combinational and sequential logic, register-transfer components, and register-transfer systems with data paths and controllers. The course is also an introduction to high-level and algorithmic state-machines. Prerequisites: No prerequisites.
CE220 – Electric Circuits (3)
In this course, students will analyze resistive, capacitive, and inductive circuits and laws and theorems including Kirchhoff’s Superposition, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, and Maximum Power Transfer. Students will be exposed to circuit analysis techniques, sinusoidal steady-state analysis, operational amplifiers, the natural and step response of RL and RC circuits, and the natural and step responses of RLC circuits. Some circuit simplification techniques will also be covered. Prerequisites: MATH115
CE299 – Experimental Course (1-3)
CE322 – Embedded Systems (3)
Microcontroller interfacing, assembly and C language programming for embedded systems, input/output synchronization; analog to digital conversion, digital to analog conversion, timers, interrupts, and embedded system debugging techniques. Prerequisites: CS104 or CS203
CE324 – Computer Systems Programming (3)
This course covers computing systems and system programming, data representation and operations, exceptional control flow, and linking and loading, virtual memory and caching, pipelining. The course also covers topics such as multithreaded and multiprocess programming, process communication, semaphores, and critical sections at the kernel level. Prerequisites: CS325
CE370 – Signals and Systems (3)
This course covers the analysis of continuous-time linear-time-invariant (LTI) systems in the time domain and frequency domain. The main topics include Fourier series, Fourier transform, and Laplace transform and their applications to the analysis of continuous-time systems. Prerequisite: MATH205
CE399 – Professional Internship (1-3)
CE420 – Real-Time Systems (3)
This course covers principles, design, and implementation of real-time systems that are critical in applications where determinism is essential. Specific aspects such as timing analysis for soft real-time and hard real-time constraints, interrupts and interrupt handling, tasks and system modeling, task scheduling, system replication and redundancy, replication reliability, fault tolerance, concurrency, and synchronization will be studied. Prerequisite: CE322
CE451 – Independent Study (1-3)
CE470 – Automatic Control (3)
This course covers linear systems, transfer functions, and system impulse response. Topics include PID controller, stability, and feedback. The course provides basic design tools for specifications of transient response. Frequency-domain techniques are also presented. Prerequisite: MATH303
CE491 – Capstone Project I (3)
This course covers the mastery of problem definition, detailed design, integration, and testability with teams of students specifying, designing, building, and testing complex systems. The course also emphasizes engineering and ethical values, design critique, and discussions. The outcome of the course is a specification and design document to be evaluated. Prerequisite: CE322
CE492 – Capstone Project II (3)
This course covers the mastery of detailed design, systems implementation and integration, and testability with teams of students specifying, designing, building, and testing complex systems. The outcome of the course builds on the Capstone Project I report by adding actual design choices and implementation details as well as test results and benchmarks. Prerequisite: CE491
CE499 – Advanced Experimental Course (1-3)